Monday, July 13, 2015

Painting With Trees

The girls both love painting so they were thrilled to have a whole day devoted to painting with trees.  We started off going on a walk and collecting nature items.  Then the girls used the different items to paint.
After they were done painting with sticks, flowers, and leaves they made their own tree pictures.  We talked about the different colors you can see in a tree.  Then they took turns spinning the color spinner and painting leaves on their trees in the corresponding colors.
The best part about taking lessons outside is when an inch worm shows up
The girls favorite activity of the day was taping off tree shapes with leaves on paper and then using the provided pompom and clothespin to stamp them.  Once they were dry they got to pull the tape off and see the outlines left behind.
We also talked about shadows and looked at the shadows different objects create.  The girls were supposed to paint tree shadows, but decided they wanted to try and trace their heads instead.

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