The girls have been loving this months
Mother Goose Time theme of nature detectives. Today we got to read the book of the month,
Get Close to Nature! This was a great book with beautiful photos. There would be a close of picture where the girls got to guess what it was, and then on the next page there was a full image with information.
After we were done reading the book we took magnifying glasses and magnifying containers outside to look at nature close up. The girls looked at flowers, trees, rocks, and even a toad.
checking out a toad |
After they were done looking at everything they were interested in, we headed to the porch and the girls made their own Get Close to Nature! books.
The girls also drew pictures and rainbows with sidewalk chalk and the used a spray bottle to wash them away. Elli loved spraying the pictures and making them disappear.
easy way to entertain a toddler |
The girls were also supposed to do a color by number picture, but there was also a color by number in the more math and reading workbooks for today, so I decided to skip it. Instead the girls made rainbow pictures using bingo markers.
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