Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Day 13's topic this month with Mother Goose Time was bugs.  I did most of the lesson with just Elli while Addie was at school.  
I buried seeds from the provide seed collection in a tub of sand.  Elli pretended to be a bug digging for food. She had a great time playing this and hid all the seeds when she was done and did it all over again.  She played this game by herself for almost half an hour.  Anything that holds a toddlers attention for that long is something we'll be doing again.
I showed her the bilingual word cards and she practiced saying the words in English and Spanish.  She hasn't mastered English yet, so listening to her try and say words in Spanish was amusing.
Bugs can be harmful to orchards because they eat the plants and fruit.  Elli practiced counting fruit beads and then fed them to a bug made from a cup.  She plays with the fruit beads a lot and sat and sorted them into containers and worked on stringing them once she was done counting.
We used a colander to make a spider web.  Elli was able to work on her fine motor skills by threading pipe cleaners in the holes and then balancing a Halloween spider we had in the web.
Spiders are good for orchards because they trap harmful bugs in their webs.  We made a tape web and the girls threw different objects at it to see what they could make stick.  The web kept getting knocked down, but they still thought it was fun.
Since they were having fun with the tape web, but it kept falling, I decided to make a web with leftover streamers.  They had to find different ways to get through it without touching the web, or else they would get eaten by the spider.  They took turns being the spider and added more streamers to make it harder.  This entertained them for a LONG time and they even wound up making a bigger web in Addie's bedroom.

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