Monday, May 13, 2019

Fishing and Rivers

May's Mother Goose Time theme is bubbles, boats and floats.  We spent a couple of days learning about rivers and fishing.  
The kids loved fishing for shapes.  They would roll the pocket cube and then using a magnet on a string they had catch the fish with the right shape on it.  We had to play this multiple times because they loved it so much.  
They designed their own fish and worked on their fine motor skills by lacing a piece of yarn around the fish.  
On the back of the fish was a poem that we went over when looking for rhyming words.
We played an animal river matching game.  If the kids found matching animals they got to put them in the "river" so they could swim away.  
We read books related to the monthly theme during circle time.
Every monthly box comes with a themed book and matching puzzle.
The kids had to swim under the blanket river and collect puzzle pieces.  They all worked together to build the puzzle and put their pieces in.
They made river collages using tissue paper and pebbles.
The first day of any new theme comes with a name tag to practice writing on.  The older kids have mastered their first names at this point, while the younger ones are working on tracing the letters.

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