Monday, May 27, 2019

Finishing up May

We finished up bubbles, boats and floats with Mother Goose Time this month.  
The kids used pipettes to suck up water colors and make pictures of rain out a window.  
You can't have a rainbow without rain.  The kids made their own fuzzy clouds with rainbows.  
The kids took turns rolling dice with different shapes on it, and used those shapes to design their own shirts.  
They made puppets of themselves getting a bubble bath that fit inside a bathtub cutout.  
One of the letters this month is V, the kids colored their letter V books.
The kids all took turns playing dominoes.
We played a game like follow the leader.  The kids would spin the spinner and then come up with an action for whatever body part it landed on.  
Our shape of the month was a diamond, the kids used with bodies to try and make diamond shapes.  
And when you have a theme involving water it only makes sense to use the water table.  We had a car wash where the kids cleaned cars, and then later they played in bubble water.  

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