Sunday, February 10, 2019


We started a new theme for February with Mother Goose Time.  This month we're learning about health and fitness.  We started off by learning about the food groups and nutrition.  The kids worked together to sort healthy foods into food groups.
We started day one by learning about grains.
The kids worked to make sandwiches and had menus so they could decide what they wanted to put on theirs.
They practiced writing their names on the monthly name tags.
They worked together to find all the plastic shapes (this months manipulative) that were buried and find the matching shape on the map.
The kids love playing with the parachute, and used it to toss a salad.  They picked "vegetables" to put on the parachute and then shook it to mix it all up.  
We played vegetable lotto, which helps teach patience.
The kids enjoyed planting a vegetable garden.  they took turns picking cards and finding the matching picture on a stick.  If it was a vegetable they planted it in dirt.
They all worked together to sort foam "fruit" by size.
They used the foam to work on patterning.  
We do journal work every week.  This week the kids designed their covers and worked on the color purple.
One of our letters this month is A.  The kids make their letter A books, and later in the month will work in their journals on the A page to reinforce it.  
When learning about the protein group the kids made their own fishing game that works on counting and number recognition.  

1 comment:

  1. So many fun ideas for that first week learning about the food groups! Thanks for your post. #MGTblogger
