Tuesday, February 26, 2019

In The Kitchen

We've been learning about health and fitness this month with Mother Goose Time.  Week one was spent learning about the food groups.  We also spent a week learning about things in the kitchen, like mixing and stirring, chopping, etc.
The kids took turns using the look and find glasses with the monthly theme poster.  
We finished up week one by learning about the dairy group, so it was only fitting the kids made cows.
We've also been learning about health and germs.  The kids traced germ letters and then sprayed them clean.  They had so much fun spraying the letters they didn't even realize they were working on writing and letter formation.
They also made germs out of the monthly manipulative, which was shape pieces.  
The  door hangers they made were to remind them to wash their hands.  We've had a lot of kids out sick this month so a lesson about germs was a good reminder on washing hands and covering your mouth.
This months character trait is kindness, and we read the provided book.
The kids made their own stories about the fox and worked on their scissor skills.
They also cut out foods and took turns using a menu to order from their friends.  
They all worked together to find puzzle pieces that were hidden around the room and then worked to put the monthly puzzle together.  This was a good way to work on taking turns and cooperating.
One of their favorite projects we've made this month was pizza.  They used red paint as the sauce, chopped up yarn for the cheese, and added mushrooms and pepperoni. 
They got math practice with the math story cards.  They were able to use the shape manipulatives to figure out basic addition and subtraction word problems.
For literacy practice they used the I can read book and sight word pointers to look for familiar words.
The letter G was introduced and they colored in their letter G books.
They spent some time chopping playdough food and counting out the pieces with the counting cards.
They really enjoyed stirring soup, which was shaving cream, paint and glitter.
And like every month they've been getting additional practice in their my little journals.

1 comment:

  1. Your crew looks so engaged in this month's activities! #MGTblogger
