Saturday, October 7, 2017


We just finished up our first week of Mother Goose Time's October theme, weather all around us.  Week 1 was spent learning about wind, sun, snow, rainbows, and clouds.  The kids made lots of crafts this week.
They used souffle cups to make sun and moon pictures,
used straws to blow paint around to make pictures with wind,
used a variety of materials to make rainbow art,
used eyedroppers to paint clouds,
and made really pretty snowflakes using coffee filters, markers, and water .  
The kids got to go outside and explore shadows,
and their favorite activity of the week was when I dripped food coloring into a tub of water with shaving cream on the top.  This simulated clouds raining "blue"  water drops.  
We did some work with shapes and colors,
practiced sorting bears by size and color,
and practiced sorting by color some more.
The kids figured out how to use their breath to make tubes fall down,
and how to blow through a straw to make a cotton ball cloud move along the letter C.
Each month comes with a new monthly theme poster.  I keep these hung up low on the wall for the kids to explore all month.  They used the look and find glasses to find different objects on the posters.
Each monthly box also comes with a my little journal, which we use throughout the month to work on writing, as well as a new nametag to practice name recognition.  We've also read a lot of themed books and started working on some decorations for Halloween.  Next week we'll be focusing on the seasons. 

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