Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Seasons

This week with Mother Goose Time we learned about the seasons.  
While learning about summer the kids made cherry tree pictures using leaves collected from outside, burlap, and small red stickers.
They also practice taking turns during a memory weather game,
and took turns while building their own flowers out of play dough and craft sticks.  They would roll the pocket cube and add the same number of sticks to their play dough ball until they had built a flower.
While learning about autumn, the kids used sponges, different colored paint, and stencils to make their own maple leaf pictures.
Each child got their own copy of the monthly I Can Read book.  They took turns using the sight word pointers to find different words in the book. 
The kids thought it was really funny dressing the bear in different clothing based on the weather type they spun.  
The kids got some math work by counting out leaves on a tree.
When learning about winter the kids got to use feathers to paint snow storm pictures.
They loved trying to free different cold weather animals from ice blocks.
I used the simple math story cards with the younger kids in the class, and the advanced math cards with the older kids.  We even made up our own math problems and used the counting bears to help solve them.
One of the favorite crafts of the week had to be the spring flower puppets.  The kids decorated their cup flower pots and attached flowers to straws that they were able to make grow. 

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