Friday, December 23, 2016

Winter Woodland

 This week with Mother Goose Time we learned about pine trees, snowflakes, pinecones, icicles and snowmen.  Elli investigated pine needles and pine cones with magnifying glasses and tweezers.  She also observed how they felt, smelled, what they sounded like, etc.  
We talked about the life cycle of a pine tree and Elli made her own 3-D pine tree life cycle.
Every monthly box from Mother Goose Time comes with a puzzle based on the book of the month.  Elli loves puzzles and these get used a lot through out the month.
The girls made their own glittery snowflake crafts.  
The girls loved the homemade snow that we made, using baking soda, glitter and water.  They made snowballs with them and also used the nesting cups that came in this months box.  
We read the participation story, Bear Loves the Seasons, and the girls had to walk towards the bear cave whenever the story said baby bear.  By the end of the story they had made it inside the cave.  
We talked about sharing and the girls took turns sharing pom pom pinecones with each other.
The girls played pinecone math, which helped reinforce counting addition and subtraction.
We did an experiment to see what happens to a pinecone when it gets wet.  We submerged a pinecone in a tub of water for about an hour and then compared the wet one to the dry one.
The girls made pinecone bird-feeders.  They spread peanut butter on the pinecones and then rolled them in birdseed.  Afterwards we went outside and picked a spot to hang them.
Elli worked on her patterning using the pattern cards and pieces.
She had lots of fun painting with colored ice cubes.  
Elli made her own icicle wand that she danced with, but then she decided it made a better lasso and went around catching things in the house.
Elli worked on dripping watery paint onto letters.  We talked about how icicles form when ice melts and refreezes.
 Elli did some literacy work in her my little journal.
The girls made snowmen crafts and also made postcards using fingerprint snowmen.Next week we learn about winter gear.

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