Next months Mother Goose Time theme is Bugs and Crawly Things.
The teachers tool bag comes with a detailed teacher guide, planning journal, manipulatives, shape stamp, CD, theme web, and continuum of learning.
The circle time bag contains the monthly theme poster, letter cards, cookie cutters, calendar, color wand, circle time songs, shape clouds, character gosling, and number fish.
Week one is all about backyard bugs: ladybugs, spiders, grasshoppers, ants, and bees. We will be looking at our own backyard and talking about bugs we can find there.
Week two is about bug homes: plants, dirt, hills, webs, and hives. The discussion question for the week is where do bugs build their homes?
Week three is about camouflage bugs: butterflies, moths, leaf insects, praying mantises, and walking sticks. All week we will be discussing how camouflage protects bugs.
Week four is about crawly things: caterpillars, slugs, beetles, inchworms, and centipedes. We will be talking about the different crawly things that live around our house.
The book of the month is There are Bugs.
Also included in the monthly box is mother's day celebration kit. It contains a lesson plan, craft items, circle time ideas, game, and snack ideas.
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