Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Portrait Painting

Day 2 with Mother Goose Time's art studio theme was portrait painting.  We started the day by talking about green circles.  Elli went around the house using her paintbrush from day 1 to paint objects that were green.
   The girls picked out a green integrity feather from Falco's nest.  We talked about how it's important to do the right thing, even if no one is around to see you.  I read the feather to them and they decided that Falco did not demonstrate integrity in the scenario.  We worked on coming up with real life examples of ways to show integrity.
I showed the girls the included copy of the Mona Lisa.  They came up with ways they looked similar and different to her.  Next they created their own portrait book.  It had 3 different pictures that were cut in half, so you could mix and match the heads.  They thought this was especially funny, and had a great time trying out all the head/body combinations.
We read the included book of the month.  
I cut up a picture from a magazine and hid the pieces around the living room.  The girls raced to find them as fast as they could, and then worked together to assemble the puzzle.  
Yesterday we talked about Europe, and today the girls were introduced to Italy.  They each made their own Italian flag using the provided materials.
All month the girls will be learning about managing money.  Yesterday Elli learned what earning meant and today we focused on spending.  The girls each got 4 circles and they had to pay 1 circle to try and shoot the included globe ball into a basket.  They LOVED this game.  We talked about how you can spend money on goods and services.
The girls completed all the tasks of the day, and as a result they each earned 3 FLY dollars.  They put them in their spend, save, and give envelopes.  Every day they use the money from the spend envelope to buy art supplies needed for the days lesson.  If there are extras, they can decide if they want to use their savings to purchase more.

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