Monday, March 11, 2019

Finishing up Health and Fitness

We finished up learning about health and fitness with Mother Goose Time.
Making play first aid kits and talking about safety and what to do if someone is injured was a great conclusion to the month.  Each kit came with a cotton ball, band-aid and tongue depressor.  The kids used them to bandage and clean pretend injuries.  
We took turns voting using the would you rather cards, and then tallied up the votes for each category.
The kids used the fitness domino's to play a game together.
All month long the kids have been working in their journals to improve handwriting and letter/number recognition.
The kids used the loose letter parts to build this months letters:  Q, A, and G.
We played a game where the kids would roll the pocket cube and put their marker on the corresponding letter.  The helped reinforce the letters we've been working on.
The kids decorated rulers and made measuring wands out of corn starch noodles.  
The kids balanced "apples" on the magnet person that went along with this months story of the month.  They took turns picking a card and counting out the same number of "apples."  
The kids had lots of fun using ribbons as balance beams.  They took turns rolling the pocket cube and then everyone would do the action, like walk backward, do a somersault, jump, etc.
At the end of every month the kids get to design a post card related to the monthly theme.  Next we move onto desert discovery.  

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