Saturday, September 29, 2018

Scheduling Mother Goose Time

Mother Goose Time makes scheduling preschool easy.  Each monthly box contains 4 lesson plan books, one for each week of the month.  You just open the lesson plan and the daily bag to go with it.  The daily lesson plan has ideas for circle time, a craft, suggested book to read, games, investigation stations, literacy and math work, etc.  You just follow the suggested activities for the day.
We always start  the day with free play while waiting for everyone to arrive.  Then we begin with circle time.  The kids help figure out the weather, day of the week, and date.  We also work on counting and figuring out the calendar pattern.  The kids stand to say the pledge of allegiance and then we have a time where every child gets a chance to share a short comment or story with the class.  After that I read a related book for the days topic.  We will also discuss either letters, numbers, shapes or colors and sometimes play games to go with it.
 After circle time we move onto the days craft.  I like to do these early in case it's something that needs time to dry before going home.  This past week the kids designed their own puzzles and made get well cards.  After everyone is done we have a snack.
After snack we will do games or activities like patterning, building with shapes, playing would you rather, etc.
I like to work with the kids one on one in their my little journals.  While I am working with one child the others are doing small group work with things like puzzles, books, letter books, sand table and blocks.  
Once we are done with the mornings lesson we head outside to play.  Once it gets colder the kids get to go sledding and play in the snow.  On days where it is rainy or way too cold they get free play inside or else we go into an empty room next door where we can build obstacle courses and play games that require lots of space to run.

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