Thursday, May 3, 2018

Learning About Oceans

We've been learning about oceans with Mother Goose Time.  We spent 2 weeks learning about different animals that live in the ocean and before that we learned about things like coral and other underwater formations.  
Every week the kids work in their journals.  I usually have them write their names and design their covers as a class and then work with them individually when we do the inside pages.  Inside each journal are pages for the letters, numbers, color and shape of the month.
The kids are almost done with their alphabet books, which they have been working on all year.  Just 2 more letters next month and it will be complete and ready to go home.
We've used the cornstarch noodles in class before, and they are always a hit.  The kids used them to make coral reefs. 
They worked on stringing beads onto a pipe cleaner and decorated a folded paper plate to make an oyster with pearls.  
We spent a day talking about ocean zones and the kids made their own pictures representing what they knew.  
Paper bags were turned into caves, complete with ocean creatures to hide inside.
They're played ocean matching games,
gone cave diving for shells,
which they then worked on counting,
and also used the look and find glasses with the monthly theme poster.

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