Friday, February 9, 2018

Preschool World Study

This months Mother Goose Time theme is it's a small world.  This month the kids are learning about packing and traveling for a trip, the world, world markets, natural wonders, etc.  This is a great theme to help with global awareness.  We've been looking at maps and using the globe to talk about different places.  We look at where we live on the map, and talk about how much bigger, and how many more people there are out there.  
One of the items included this month were pictures of different places, like the great wall of China and the Matterhorn.  The kids worked in pairs to try and put the pictures together.
They made their own cameras, complete with their own wonders of the world photographs.  The kids loved these and through out the day they would pull them out and pretend to take pictures.  
No study of the world is complete without making a world.  The kids used shaving cream mixed with blue and green paint to make their own swirl worlds.
The letter G was introduced this months.  The kids rolled balls dipped in paint over their alphabet coloring page.  We only have a few more months to go and then our alphabet books will be complete.
We got a new monthly theme poster, and the kids got to use the look and find glasses to look for different items.  They always love getting the new glasses and poster.
A great way to travel is by plane.  The kids decorated popsicle sticks and used tape to create their own airplanes.  
Some people travel by boat.  The kids spent quite a while playing in the water table.  
They used shape pieces, one of this months manipulatives, to create different modes of transportation.
The kids started working on their my little journals.  We work on these all month long.  They use them for letter, number, shape and color review.
They played a matching game.
We spent some time talking about and looking at different types of money.  The kids worked on sorting out coins and also did rubbings of them.
They made their own wallets out of paper bags, complete with mother goose bucks.
We talked about emotions and what masks are used for.  In a market you might find masks to buy.  The kids got to make their own.

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