Friday, October 7, 2016

Birds, Fish and Rabbits

We finished up our week of pets by learning about birds, fish and rabbits.  
Every monthly box from Mother Goose Time comes with a new I Can Read book.  These are great beginner readers.  Elli used the sight word pointers to find the words in the book.  Every month focuses on new sight words.  Sometimes she gets frustrated because she can't read like her older sister, but she loves that she can identify sight words in these books.  They're a great confidence booster.  Mother Goose Time also sends a new My Little Journal every month, which is another great tool for increasing literacy and practicing handwriting.  Elli really likes working in these books.  One of the letters of the month is T.  Elli used the included popsicle sticks to practise making the letter T using the monthly letter cards.  
Elli also did some math work by counting feathers, and then by trying to blow them onto the monthly number card.
The crafts are always one of Elli's favorite things.  She loves making the make and play items and using them throughout the day (and sometimes even months later).  The invitations to create have been a big hit with both my girls.  They love using the materials to come up with their own ideas.  They really enjoy the process of making art and it's fun seeing what they come up with.
 We talked about fresh water versus salt water and the kinds of fish that live in each.  Elli decided that the salt water was no good to drink.
We also did the would you rather cards.  I would read a card to Elli, such as would you rather have ears like a dog, rabbit or cat, and then she would pick her answer.  Some of these cards led to funny discussions.  
We played go fish with salt and fresh water cards.  We used them same cards to play a matching game.
Elli also had fun "fishing" for popsicle stick fish.  
There was also lots of dancing to the dance n' beats DVD that we get as an add on every month.

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