Monday, July 18, 2016


Today's Mother Goose Time lesson was about printmaking.  We focused on the color blue, and the shape was the triangle.  Elli used her brush from day one to go around the house and paint blue objects.
Today's character building trait was resourcefulness.  We talked about using the things you have to solve problems and came up with examples and scenarios.  Elli picked a feather from Falco's nest and the girls decided Falco was not resourceful in the presented scenario.
The girls collected sticks and made them into triangles.  They also used them to draw triangle shapes in the sand.
 The girls glued the included foam shapes onto their cardboard lids that were provided.
They painted their shapes and used them to make their own prints.  They both made multiple pages of prints and had fun experimenting with mixing colors.
We played a matching game called don't get the wolf.  If the girls picked the wolf card they had to howl and return the card to the bottom.  Then I hid the wolf cards and the girls had to search around the house and howl when they found them.
One of the features this month was a money kit.  Today the girls learned what it means to save.  They played a game balancing triangles on their fingers.  When you have money it's important to hold onto it and not lose it.
The girls completed all the tasks of the day, so they each earned 3 FLY dollars to add to their spend, save, and give envelopes. 

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