Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What To Do With All That Art

One of the things I love about Mother Goose Time is that it keeps my girls engaged.  They love to do art projects, and every month there are a bunch of new ideas to keep them entertained.  Instead of spending time getting ideas off pinterest, and then going to the store to get supplies, I can just open the monthly box and go.  No planning required.  The only problem with all the fun art the girls make, is that they never want to get rid of ANY of it.  I used to sneak old projects into the pile for starting bonfires, until one day Addie saw an old mask she made burning and started to cry.  Now they each get 6 magnets and a side of the fridge.  They get to pick what they keep and I don't have to worry about them seeing their beloved crafts going up in flames.  Some of the stuff they keep for months and some only a few days, it's entirely up to them.
Of course this doesn't help with all the things they make that can't be hung on the fridge.  They keep their headbands and other projects on their bed post and also the window ledge in their room.  This keeps the clutter out of the rest of the house.
How do you display your child's art work?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! It's made it so much easier having them choose what to keep and what to get rid of.
