Saturday, February 6, 2016

Fruits and Vegetables

This months Mother Goose Time theme is food and fitness.  Day 2 was spent learning about vegetables.  
Elli completed the cover of her my little journal.  She traced around the vegetable manipulatives from this months box and we talked about the different shapes.
Elli used the foam die to figure out how many times to scrub each food. I told her about bacteria and how it is important to clean what you eat.
 She picked out the vegetables she wanted to eat and helped make her own salad.
We talked about what plants need in order to grow.  Elli wet a cotton ball, added a bean seed, and put it in a bag.  She completed day 1 on the provided observation chart; we will check on it throughout the month and record what we see.  We went on a hunt for a good sunny spot to hang the bean.  Elli picked the kitchen window.  When Addie got home from school she added another bean bag to the window.
I hid the vegetable counters around Elli's bedroom.  She had so much fun hunting for them, that she had me hide them all 2 more times before I told her we needed to move on to the rest of the lesson.  Elli worked with the counting cards and we also worked on grouping the vegetables by color.
 Since day 2 was vegetables, it only makes sense for day 3 to be fruits.  
Elli loved the pokey ball that came with today's bag.  We rolled it back and forth to each other until she was ready to move on.  Then she used the same ball to stamp seeds onto her strawberry.  She pretended to eat it when she was done.
The color of the month, red, was introduced.  Elli went on a color hunt around the house and "painted" anything she found that was red.  After she was satisfied that she had painted everything, she cut out foods from grocery adds.  After she had a pile she sorted out the red ones.
We talked about the different parts of an orange.  Elli helped peel it and even squeezed it into a cup to make orange juice.  She used some of the juice to practice tracing the letter J.
Elli loved the last game we played.  I put green and red foam hearts under a blanket.  She would roll a dice and then crawl under and find the correct number of ripe red "strawberries" and then pick them and put them in her fruit basket.  She played this game many, many times.
We worked a little more with colors using a sorting pie that we had already.  We will be finishing up the week with dairy and protein.


  1. It is a fun way to teach children about fruits and vegetables. I found this blog post very helpful. Every parent should teach their children in the similar manner.

    Best Regards,
    Mantis Hugo
